Kurt Gänzl
Operetta Research Center
12 August, 2021
I’m the oldest standing member of the Operetta Research Center. I was one of the fairies who presided at its birth in Amsterdam, all those years ago.

Kurt Gänzl. (Photo: Private)
So, today when the publishers of my coming-October book Gilbert & Sullivan: The Players and the Plays said that I could have 40 percent reduction for ‘friends’ (for a few months), I thought: well, anyone who is a member of ORCA is a friend of mine, so I’m sharing it here.
You get it at the reduced price by using this code through November 30, 2021: XGSG21 at www.sunypress.edu.

The new “Gilbert & Sullivan: The Players and the Plays” by Kurt Gänzl. (Photo: SUNY Press)
It’s not a book about Mr G and Mr S, their private and professional lives … that been done over heaps of times. This is about the actors and singers who created and played their shows. And whom, apart from the odd star, nobody has really thought about.
Anyway, its lots of fun, and if it interests any/many of you, grab this offer.

The dragoons in “Patience” posing in the new fashion, to win back their girlfriends.
Oh, and while I’m at it, its Gänzl bargain week! My 700 pp. Victorian Vocalists (opera, concert, a little lighter music-theatre) has just been put out in paperback at Routledge, down to 40 pounds! That’s 20 percent off its hardback price. Whew. My email is ZINGING!

Kurt Gänzl’s “Victorian Vocalists.” (Photo: Routledge)
So if you fancy a slice of Gänzl … this is the month to go.
For more information on the Gilbert & Sullivan book, click here.
Ordered!! Thanks. Kurt!